How Can Disability Lawyers Help You Win Social Security Disability Benefits?

by | Apr 23, 2020 | Law And Legal

Every case a disability lawyer works on is handled a little differently. Although there are differences, there are also similarities in how disability lawyers in Hemet, CA go about preparing for a disability hearing.

The First Step

Nothing happens until you, as the client, contact a lawyer for representation. The lawyer or someone on the staff will first evaluate your case. The idea of this initial review is to gather the facts, which are used by the lawyer to determine if there is a valid case. As the legal fee is paid out of the compensation that may be granted, it is important for the lawyers to know that there is a good chance of winning the case. If, in the opinion of the lawyer, the case has little chance of winning, you can expect the lawyer to decline representing you.

If Your Case Looks Good, Then What?

Prior to your hearing date, your disability lawyers in Hemet, CA will gather all available medical records from your physician; hospital; therapist; etc. These records will be submitted to the Administration prior to the scheduled date of your hearing before an Administrative Law Judge.

If your lawyers feel that it will strengthen your case, they may arrange to introduce witnesses that can testify to the extent of your disability. Bear in mind, the Administration can also bring experts in to question you.

One of the most important tasks your lawyers have is preparing you for the hearing. As your lawyer will have gone through many hearings in the past, they know what questions to expect. Honesty is of paramount importance, even if the answers are awkward. If your lawyer is to be successful, it is important that everything is laid out in advance of the hearing.

When you hire disability lawyers in Hemet, CA, you are hiring an advocate that will present your application for Social Security Disability benefits in a way that best supports your case. To discuss your particular situation further, contact Eric R. Hunt Attorney. You can also pay a visit to the Facebook page for more information.

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