Many drivers find that purchasing a used car for Sale in Monroe, LA rather than a new vehicle is a terrific alternative. The rise in inflation rates has reached record-high levels in the United States, and Americans feel the effects everywhere in prices. Now may be an excellent opportunity to save money by purchasing a used vehicle.
Less Depreciation
Car depreciation is an unfortunate fact for drivers, but a used vehicle will depreciate at a far lower rate than a brand new vehicle. When a new automobile drives off the lot, it depreciates by around 20%. In addition, many automobiles will lose another 10% of their value in the first year. The result is a 30% decrease in the vehicle’s value within the first year of ownership. Compared to a new car, used cars depreciate at a far slower pace.
Lower Insurance Rates
Insurance rates are determined by various factors, including your age, driving history, credit score, mileage, and region. Insurance for a used car for Sale in Monroe, LA may be less expensive than insurance for a new vehicle. This is worth exploring with your insurance agent. For more information contact CarZone USA