Bringing the Kids to Watch Blacktop Paving Contractors in LaGrange, GA

by | Mar 21, 2020 | Paving Contractors

Young children are commonly fascinated with dump trucks, farm tractors and heavy construction equipment of various types. Parents might let them watch asphalt paving contractors in LaGrange, GA, from a safe distance when those workers are placing blacktop on a nearby road or parking lot. In this region, this work can be done all months of the year, making it convenient for families to spontaneously check out the activity.

Tasks and Equipment

In cases where there is no road or parking area yet, excavation and grading must be completed first. The process can be lengthy when a highway is being expanded or part of a county road is being relocated for a city bypass. Excavators, bulldozers and graders are all part of the project. Some manual labor is involved as well.

Aggregate must be placed for stabilization after the soil has been moved into position for the road. Paving contractors in LaGrange, GA, commonly are responsible for both the grading and the laying of asphalt.

Three Layers

Before the paving technicians place the blacktop, they add gravel and sand and then a base layer of bitumen, lime or cement. The surface layer of blacktop on roads and parking lots is installed and rolled flat by a type of equipment known as a paver.

Watching the Work

Parents might bring their children to a place where they can watch all of this work from a suitable parking area. In this part of Georgia, the contractor managing this project may be Phenix Paving & Maintenance, represented.
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