An accident lawyer in Milwaukee, WI area presents you with legal counsel after you sustain an injury. These attorneys are familiar with the necessary processes to follow to produce a strong personal injury claim. This includes acquiring ample medical evidence to properly present the severity and nature of your injuries in court. It is these factors that provide you with a solid case against your opposition. To discuss the required processes for a personal injury claim, contact the Law Offices of David J. Lisko.
Animal Attacks
Animal attacks may present the probability of devastating injuries. These injuries could result in a loss of limb or other serious condition. The type of animal also affects the severity of these injuries. When domesticated animals such as dogs are your attacker, you can file a claim against the pet owner when an injury occurs.
Local Accident Lawyer
The Law Offices of David J. Lisko can represent you in an animal bite case. Through legal strategies, this attorney can link the animal that attacked you to your injuries. By acquiring medical evidence and eye-witness accounts of the attack, your attorney can present a solid claim in court. Your doctor can acquire biological evidence when you seek medical treatment which can provide a link from the animal to your injuries. Your attorney will present this evidence in court to prevent the owner from denying their pet’s involvement in your injuries. To consult an attorney about your personal injury contact the Law Office of David J. Lisko or visit his website at
An accident lawyer in Milwaukee, WI area provides you with help in proving the credibility of your personal injury claim. When this injury was sustained due to an animal attack, it is sometime necessary to provide a link between the animal and the injury sustained. This prevents the pet’s owner from discrediting your claim. The medical evidence you may acquire after medical treatment can provide this link and enable your attorney to present a solid and effective personal injury claim. If you need legal representation after an animal attack, contact the law offices of David J. Lisko today.