You may have been injured on the job or in a car accident and are now unable to work, or perhaps you suffer from an illness or condition that has left you unable to earn a living. Whatever the reason, if you are unable to work and earn an income, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits.
Social Security Disability is a program that provides financial assistance to those who are unable physically or mentally disabled and unable to work. To qualify for benefits, you must have worked in jobs covered by Social Security and paid Social Security taxes. You must also have a medical condition that meets the requirements set forth by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and prevents you from working for at least one year or is expected to result in death.
The SSA provides a list of qualifying conditions, which can be found on their website. If your condition is not listed, don’t despair. An experienced Social Security Disability attorney in Greensboro can review your medical records to determine if your condition qualifies under one of the listed conditions or if it is equivalent to a listed condition.
If your initial claim is denied, an attorney can also help you appeal the decision. Many claims are initially denied but later approved after the appeals process is complete. You have 60 days from the date of the denial letter to file an appeal. Once again, it’s advisable to contact an experienced Social Security Disability attorney in Greensboro. They can handle all aspects of your appeal and represent you at your hearing before an administrative law judge.
No matter your situation, the team at Business Name is here to help you secure the benefits you need. Schedule a consultation today.